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  4. How to configure email visibility in Jira Software

How to configure email visibility in Jira Software

Before performing the data migration to Jira Software, all your users need to make their email publicly visible for the time of migration so that their accounts can migrate properly. Users may change this setting once the data migration has finished.

To configure email visibility follow these steps:

  • Go to your Jira Software account, click on the profile icon in the right top corner and select “Account Settings”:

Jira Software Account

  • Jira will redirect you to a page where you can manage your account. Select “Profile and Visibility” and scroll to the very bottom of the page:

Profile And Visibility

  • Then, in the Contact section, click on the drop-down menu and select Anyone:

Email Visibility Jira Software

Atlassian will automatically save the changes.

If something wasn’t clear enough, or you’d like to get into more details, feel free to contact our support team for help.

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