How to Generate My GitLab API Token

When migrating data to or from GitLab, the Migration Wizard will ask you to provide your personal GitLab API Token. Migration service uses the API token to establish a secure connection with your Gitlab account. Here’s a quick guide on how to get your personal API token in GitLab.

To generate GitLab API token, follow these steps:

  • Go to your GitLab account, click on the profile icon in the right top corner, and select Edit profile.

Edit Profile GitLab

  • Under User settings, choose the Access Tokens option.

Access Token GitLab

  • In Personal access tokens, fill in the name of the token and choose the API option.

Create API GitLab

  • Click Create personal access token.

Create Personal Access Token

  • Copy your new personal access token from the field.

Copy Access Token

If any questions appear or you would like to learn more details, contact our support representatives for assistance.

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