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Zoho Projects Data Migration Guides

How to create users in Zoho Projects?

To migrate and match users while switching to Zoho Projects, you need to create their profiles manually.

Here’s how you do it:

1. Sign up with your Zoho Projects account.

2. Press the Setup icon in the top navigation band.

Zoho Projects Setup

3. Navigate to Manage Users under Setup.

Zoho Projects Manage Users

4. Then click Portal Users and go to Add User in the upper right corner.

Zoho Projects Add User

5. Fill in a User Email address. You can add multiple email addresses - just separate them by a comma.

6. Choose a Role and Profile for the users.

Zoho Projects Fill in Email

7. Choose the required project from the picklist to add users to it.

Zoho Projects Add

Note: You should add users to the project that you'll use for the Zoho Project data import. During the configuration of the Zoho Projects connection, choose that specific project to ensure a seamless data transfer.

8. Click Add to create user profiles.

9. Once you’ve checked the newly added users, press OK.

Zoho Projects OK

Accepting invitations to Zoho Projects

When inviting Users to your Zoho Projects account, there are two scenarios to consider:

1. If the users are new to the system and don't have a Zoho account:

  • Once they click the invitation button “Accept Invitation,” they will be directed to the Sign Up page to create a Zoho account.
  • During the account creation process, they should click on the "Continue signing in" button.
  • Then, they must confirm their email address and registration by clicking the link in the Confirmation Email.

2. If users already have a Zoho account but not a Zoho Projects account:

  • When they access the invitation link, they should only click the "Accept" button to join the organization.
  • They will be logged in to the Zoho Projects account associated with their company.
Note: The user invitation will expire in 30 days after you’ve added the user profile.

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