Fully Automated Import to Asana Saves Time & Effort

Having a goal to make data migration an easy task, Relokia offers businesses around the world to use our Migration Wizard. The platform switch isn’t easy, and our team are ready to take the heavy burden of data transfer, so you keep on working on more important tasks.

Our project management migration service was launched not so long ago, but we already have a bunch of use cases that prove—our migration service works like Swiss clocks and helps businesses to migrate their project management quickly and effortlessly.

Why Is Project Management Migration from Relokia Your Choice?

  • You don't need to be a tech person to set up the migration. If you are a tech person, you stay focused on your work and leave the data migration to us.
  • You get a proper report that explains what data is imported. With a free Demo, you see migration results before purchasing it.
  • Migration Wizard is flexible, and you can request customizations.
  • Data is not lost during the migration.
  • In case of any errors, you and Relokia’s team will receive an alert.

Now let’s check a few use cases that will describe our migration service better. Here are provided cases for migration to Asana, one of the most popular project management tools.

Use case: Teamwork to Asana

Type of migration: Teamwork to Asana

Industry: Appliances, Electrical, and Electronics Manufacturing

Data migrated:

  • Users
  • Teams
  • Workspaces
  • Projects including Folders, Custom Sections, Boards/Lists
  • Tasks including Comments, Attachments, Custom Fields, Subtasks/Checklists, and Tags

Challenge: Transfer data from their current project management tool to Asana without distracting the internal team and saving time on developing their products/services.

Solution: Automated data migration of 13 projects

Results: The client successfully migrated from Teamwork to Asana. With Relokia’s migration tool, the customer saved countless hours in migration efforts and had their team focused on more important things.

Use case: Trello to Asana

Type of migration: Trello to Asana

Industry: Information Technology and Services
Data migrated:

  • Users
  • Teams
  • Workspaces
  • Projects including Folders, Custom Sections, Boards/Lists
  • Tasks including Comments, Attachments, Custom Fields, Subtasks/Checklists, and Tags

Challenge: The company needed to migrate all project data.

Solution: Ready-made tool for migrating to Asana automatedly. It avoids having to develop one.

Results: All project management data was successfully migrated from Trello to Asana. This tool helped solve the issue of migrating projects that contained a ton of data within each.

Use case: ClickUp to Asana

Type of migration: ClickUp to Asana

Industry: Computer software

Data migrated:

  • Users
  • Teams
  • Workspaces
  • Projects including Folders, Custom Sections, Boards/Lists
  • Tasks including Comments, Attachments, Custom Fields, Subtasks/Checklists, and Tags

Customization: import all projects in a single migration.

Challenge: The client was looking for a solution to migrate 138 projects with 20-80 tasks each quickly. They also wanted to move all projects to Asana in a single Full Migration.

Solution: The client opted for automated data migration and transferred all the necessary data.

Results: Automated data import from ClickUp to Asana. The customer completed the migration in half a day and was freed up to spend energy elsewhere instead of a manual process that would have taken hundreds of man-hours.

Use case: Targetprocess to Asana

Type of migration: custom development of not-supported source platform

Industry: Computer software
Data migrated:

  • Users
  • Teams
  • Workspaces
  • Projects including Folders, Custom Sections, Boards/Lists
  • Tasks including Comments, Attachments, Custom Fields, Subtasks/Checklists, and Tags


  • migrate all the projects and tasks in a single migration
  • move parent task ID of subtasks to tasks' comments

Challenge: The client was looking for a solution to migrate 1519 projects that included 107937 tasks. The customer was concerned it would be a lot of manual, time-intensive work and would risk losing records, but it was very easy and complete.

Solution: The platform wasn’t supported in the automated data migration, so the client requested to develop an automated data migration for their source platform—Targetprocess.

Results: Customized data import from Targetprocess to Asana. The customer carried on without the pain of manually inputting old data, which was a huge timesaver.


Step one on a beginner's journey: getting uncomfortable. The thought of trying something new often spurs fear. With Relokia’s Migration Wizard, you have nothing to worry about—set up testing migration and see the results. If you like it, then go to your Full Migration. Need some help or adjustments to the automated process? Contact our support team. We are always ready to answer your questions.

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