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  4. What is data mapping and how to create custom fields during data mapping?

What is data mapping and how to create custom fields during data mapping?

Data mapping is the process of matching data fields between your source and target platforms during a migration. It's an essential step to ensure that your data is accurately transferred to the new platform.

How to create custom fields?

When performing data mapping, you may come across custom fields that exist in your source platform but not in your target platform. To create custom fields during data mapping, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the custom fields section on the data mapping page.
  2. If your target platform does not have the same custom fields as your source platform, click the "Add Custom Field" button.
  3. Enter the details of the custom field, including its name, data type, and other relevant settings.
  4. Map the custom field to the corresponding field on your source platform.

Creating custom fields during data mapping allows you to accurately transfer all your data to the new platform, ensuring that you don't lose any valuable information.

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