Notion and Trello: A Complete Project Management Tool Overview

A project management tool is essential to assist a team or individual in managing tasks and projects and organizing work effectively. You can purchase a project management tool online or even use one for free.

As you can understand by the name, a project management tool is not only for project managers. These tools are built to facilitate anyone after customization. Moreover, users can customize the tool according to the goals and size of different teams.

Features of Project Management Software

You can define the project management tool with various features offered. They include below features but are not limited to these benefits:

Scheduling or Planning - You can plan and delegate your work on a single platform with calendars, workflows, templates, folders, and tasks.

Collaboration - You can rely on various other communication tools other than email. You can use a project management tool for approvals, proofing, organizing dashboards, adding comments, and assigning tasks.

Documentation - File management features, including storage of all files, versioning, and editing, can help you keep your files safe and avoid missing essential documents.

Evaluation - You can track and assess the growth and productivity of your business with resource management and reporting.

What is Trello

At its core, Trello is an online corkboard. This project management tool allows you to organize cards into different lists. The cards can contain shared files, projects, notes, tasks, or anything else that assists your team in working together.

The idea of Trello is simple. If you want to create a helpful project management tool, you need complete visibility over all relevant flexibility and tasks to rearrange them according to the changes in your priorities. Trello provides you with the following:

  • Cohesion
  • Organization
  • Visualization
  • Sanity
  • Accountability

What You Can Do With Trello

With the Trello board, you can organize your work in the lists of cards. After that, you can rearrange and quickly adapt those cards to new circumstances. This is the reason the tool is best for project management. Here are some problems that Trello can solve:

  • Transparency
  • Forgetfulness
  • Clarifying projects
  • Accountability
  • Wasted meetings
  • Long email threads

Strengths of Trello

Trello Pros

With Trello, you will receive instant notifications. With Trello, you do not miss out on your tasks, as you will receive an email and a seamless notification when a task is completed, updated, or removed. You can never miss a deadline, as Trello will notify you whenever it’s near. You can add due dates when you are adding cards. Whenever you pass the due date, the card turns red, and when the date nears, it turns yellow. By marking the card as completed, you can avoid red cards.

Trello Notifications

Trello allows you to manage your projects using the Kanban system, which was founded in the 1950s by Toyota. This system plays a major role in the development process, allowing you to schedule your tasks in small components using cards and boards.

Trello Kanban Board


Trello is a mobile-friendly project management tool that works on every platform. The tool can adjust any screen size to fit a computer, tablet, or mobile phone. So, with it, you can always have your project management system on the go.

Now, you do not have to worry about crushed-up post-in notes on your table. What we hate about post-in notes is that we find them everywhere scattered, and it feels like a mess. But with Trello, everything important about your current or upcoming projects is neatly organized in a unified system.

Trello Search Option


In general, Trello is a project management tool with the best pricing structure compared to similar tools. You can create lists, cards, and boards and invite unlimited team members.

Trello Pricing Options

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Weaknesses of Trello

Although Trello has a good name for many reasons, you should also remember that it does not work without data access or Wi-Fi. For example, if you are traveling and have to set your device on airplane mode, you cannot use Trello. For some people, this may be really irritating.

Trello is an inexpensive tool to help teams work on their projects. However, this project management tool lacks robust, agile features. Also, you cannot unify the high-level view of your teammates’ work by making daily stand-ups hard. As a result, you may have difficulty in handling big projects. So, if you are managing multiple teams worldwide, Trello is not quite precisely what you need. Trello is perfect for when you are completing simple team projects or do not have to scale.

In Trello, you can attach an unlimited number of files to a card, but the file limit is 10MB for each attachment for a primary member. Only if you are a Trello Gold or business class member you can enjoy a 250MB file size uploading limit.

There is another problem with Trello commenting, as you cannot edit your comment on a card. When you write and save a comment, you can only add a new comment rather than edit the previous comment.

You cannot share or create long-term plans. This simple tool helps stage the software's development easily, but you cannot create a roadmap. Whether the project has a two-week sprint or a longer one, you cannot attach or link your cards with an extensive roadmap objective.

What is the Notion

Notion is one of the best project management tools for individuals and teams who want to get things and tasks done by creating their workspace. There are three core features of Notion:

Tasks - You can create your business tasks on a new board or independently design a to-do list process.

Documents  - You can work offline and begin new documents.

Wikis - It almost feels like a website and allows you to design, edit, and create your layouts.

Other Features

Other vital features of Notion include:

  • Flexibility
  • Offline Access
  • Easy on-boarding
  • Range of tool/media to embed

Strengths of Notion

You will find Notion to be a user-friendly project management tool. According to the users, Notion takes time to set up, but this app is the best-navigating software for new users, and it has an easy workflow. The technical support is amazing, and the instructions are easy to understand.

Notion Desktop


This project management tool is also an all-in-one tool, so Notion has a tagline “the all-in-one workspace.” Users don’t have to switch windows or open multiple tabs every time. Everything is under a single roof, saving a lot of time, which makes it even more convenient for users.

Notion includes a suite of features. Notions allow you to manage your to-do list and take notes. You can also track your dues, bills, and information in a database found in your personal finance page.

Notion is an organizing tool famous for its uncluttered and clean user interface. It also allows you to navigate databases and spreadsheets, efficiently organizing files. So, Notion understands that organizing is a crucial element for productivity.

Moreover, you can use Notion across different devices. You can choose from mobile, web, or desktop devices. You can bring your work and access from anywhere, anytime.

Notion Desktop


Notion offers a free trial so that you can decide whether to purchase this tool. If it is not the management tool you were looking for, you will not spend your money on a tool you do not want. However, using a free version for a long time does not work as it is limited.

Notion Pricing

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Weaknesses of Notion

Setting up Notion requires much time, and the mobile app needs fixes. Some people prefer software that sets up quickly and easily without wasting their precious time. However, many consider the time taking process natural and do not mind. Moreover, the mobile version of this application is not as instinctive as the desktop version.

Notion needs improvement in various capabilities. This project management tool is impressive, but many users want to be able to annotate and collaborate on images and PDFs. Also, you cannot lock pages so everybody can edit the content. Many users think Notion should integrate with design tools such as UXPin and Sketch.

Notion has a free and paid version. The free version has limited features, such as 1000 blocks. This may be acceptable as this version is for students, and you must pay nothing.

The reliability of Notion's notification is sometimes irritating. There is a notification option available where you can tag your teammates to assign due dates and tasks. Unfortunately, if the tagged person's Notion is off on their end, they will not receive the notification.

Notion vs Trello Cons

Let’s do the user interface comparison

Trello’s user interface comparison

  • Card-based Kanban Interface. Trello is renowned for its card-based Kanban interface, designed to make project management visual and intuitive. Each task or project component is represented as a card that can be easily moved across different lists. These cards typically represent different stages of a project, such as 'To Do,' 'In Progress,' and 'Done.' This visual approach helps users grasp the status of their projects at a glance.
  • Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Functionality. One of Trello’s standout features is its drag-and-drop functionality. Users can effortlessly move cards between lists by simply clicking and dragging them. This feature not only makes updating project statuses straightforward but also enhances overall workflow management by allowing quick adjustments and reorganization as needed.
  • Visually Appealing with Customizable Backgrounds. Trello lets users personalize their boards with various background images and colors, making the interface visually appealing. This customization option enables teams to create a more engaging and enjoyable workspace, which can be particularly motivating. Customizing backgrounds helps users feel a sense of ownership over their boards, potentially increasing their engagement with the tool.
  • Simple and Easy to Navigate. Trello’s interface is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple layout that makes it easy for users to navigate. Even those new to project management software can quickly get up to speed with Trello’s straightforward design. The simplicity of the interface reduces the learning curve and allows teams to start managing their projects efficiently right away.

Notion’s user interface comparison

  • Flexible and Customizable Interface. Notion offers an incredibly adaptable and customizable interface that can be tailored to meet a wide range of needs. Users can create and organize content in numerous ways, from simple notes and to-do lists to complex databases and project plans. This flexibility makes Notion suitable for personal use and team collaboration, allowing users to create a workspace that perfectly fits their workflow.
  • Page-based Structure with Nested Pages. Notion’s page-based structure is one of its key features. Users can create pages within pages, allowing for a deeply nested information hierarchy. This structure is particularly useful for organizing large amounts of data, such as project documentation, meeting notes, or research materials. The ability to nest pages helps users keep related information together and makes it easily accessible.
  • Ability to Create Complex Layouts. In Notion, users can design complex layouts that combine different types of content, including text, tables, databases, calendars, and media files. This versatility allows users to build comprehensive dashboards and detailed project plans that integrate various elements cohesively. The ability to create such intricate layouts makes Notion a powerful tool for organizing and managing complex projects.
  • Steeper Learning Curve but More Versatile. While Notion’s extensive feature set and flexibility come with a steeper learning curve, the investment in learning the tool can pay off significantly. Once users become familiar with Notion’s capabilities, they can leverage its versatility to handle various tasks and workflows. This makes Notion a valuable tool for users who need a highly customizable and adaptable workspace despite the initial time required to master it.

What about the Trello vs Notion integration capabilities

Trello’s integration capabilities

  • Wide Range of Native Integrations (Power-Ups). Trello offers a variety of native integrations, known as Power-Ups, which enhance its functionality and allow users to tailor the platform to their specific needs. These Power-Ups add features like calendar views, voting systems, and advanced reporting tools, making Trello a more versatile project management tool. The extensive list of Power-Ups ensures that users can find and implement the features they need without leaving the Trello environment.
  • Integrates Well with Popular Tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Jira. Trello integrates seamlessly with many popular tools that teams commonly use, including Slack for team communication, Google Drive for document storage and sharing, and Jira for advanced project tracking and issue management. These integrations help create a cohesive workflow where information flows smoothly between Trello and other essential tools, enhancing team productivity and collaboration.
  • Zapier Integration is for connecting with hundreds of other apps. Trello’s integration with Zapier opens up the possibility of connecting Trello with hundreds of other applications that may not have direct integrations. Zapier acts as a bridge, allowing users to automate workflows between Trello and other apps like Salesforce, Mailchimp, or QuickBooks. This capability significantly expands Trello’s functionality, enabling users to automate repetitive tasks and streamline their processes across multiple platforms.

Notion’s integration capabilities

  • Growing List of Native Integrations. Notion is continuously expanding its list of native integrations, allowing users to connect their Notion workspace with other tools they use regularly. These integrations help users bring more functionality into Notion, making it a central hub for their work. As Notion’s ecosystem grows, users can expect more seamless integrations that enhance their productivity and workflow.
  • API is Available for Custom Integrations. Notion provides an API that allows developers to create custom integrations tailored to their specific needs. If a native integration is not available, users can build their own solutions to connect Notion with other tools and services they use. The API offers flexibility and customization, enabling users to extend Notion’s capabilities to suit their unique workflows and requirements.
  • Embed Capabilities for Various Types of Content (e.g., Google Docs, Figma Files). Notion’s powerful embed capabilities allow users to integrate various types of content directly into their Notion pages. Whether it’s Google Docs, Figma files, or other media, users can embed these elements to create a richer, more interactive workspace. This feature is particularly useful for teams that rely on different tools for design, documentation, and collaboration, as it brings all relevant content into one unified space, enhancing visibility and accessibility.

What are the use case scenarios?

Trello is best for:

  • Small to Medium-sized Teams. Trello is particularly well-suited for small to medium-sized teams that need a straightforward yet powerful tool to manage their projects. Its intuitive interface allows teams to quickly organize and track their tasks without the need for extensive training or setup.
  • Visual Project Management. Trello’s card-based Kanban system makes it an excellent choice for teams that benefit from visual project management. By representing tasks as cards that move through different stages, team members can easily see their projects' progress at a glance.
  • Agile Methodologies (Scrum, Kanban). Trello’s flexibility and visual layout are ideal for teams practicing Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban. The ability to create lists and move cards between them mirrors the workflow processes inherent in these methodologies, facilitating effective sprint planning and task management.
  • Quick Setup and Easy Adoption. Trello’s simplicity and user-friendly design mean teams can get started with minimal setup time. Its easy-to-navigate interface allows new users to quickly learn how to use the platform, making it an attractive option for teams looking to adopt a new project management tool with little hassle.

Notion is best for:

  • Teams Requiring Extensive Documentation. Notion is an excellent choice for teams that need to create, manage, and share extensive documentation. Its flexible page structure and rich text editing capabilities make it easy to create detailed documents, notes, and guides that are well-organized and easy to navigate.
  • Companies Needing a Knowledge Base or Wiki. Notion provides the tools to create a comprehensive and accessible repository of information for companies that need a centralized knowledge base or wiki. Users can build interconnected pages that serve as a living resource for team members, enhancing knowledge sharing and collaboration.
  • Projects Requiring Complex Data Organization. >Notion’s ability to create complex layouts and organize data in various formats makes it ideal for projects involving detailed data management. Whether tracking project milestones, managing resources, or organizing research, Notion’s customizable databases and flexible structure can handle intricate data requirements.
  • Users Who Prefer High Customizability. Notion offers a high degree of customizability, allowing users to tailor their workspace to their specific needs and preferences. This makes it a great option for users who want a personalized and adaptable tool that can evolve with their workflow. Notion’s flexibility ensures it can be configured to support a wide range of use cases and organizational styles.

Technical Specification


  • Platform: Cloud, IOS, and Android
  • Support: Online
  • Language support: Support 20 languages: English, French, Portuguese, Thai, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Turkish, Italian, Dutch, Czech, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, German, Spanish


  • Platform: Cloud, Windows, Mac, IOS, and Android
  • Support: 24/7
  • Language: Only English


Notion and Trello are both excellent services that help you get things done. It is normal to compare both applications, as it is hard to decide which one is better and suits your workflow. However, this article is enough to clear up doubts and decide on the right project management tool. If you'd like to move your data from or to Trello, drop us a message, and we'll do it the best way possible!

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